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Electrical Troubleshooting

Are you experiencing electricity issues? At Kidwell Electric, we offer electrical troubleshooting at your convenience. We will fix unreliable breaker panels, outlets, wiring, or other electrical systems before they become even more significant problems. Damage to the electrical network includes small short circuits that occur in a dated system, and the electrical cables are no longer performing as just installed. In addition, when there is an overload of current, for example, if you use too many appliances simultaneously, or there are power surges due to problems related to current flow to your home. Hence, the first thing to do when you find an electrical problem, even before calling an electrician, is to disconnect the current flow by lowering the black lever on your meter. In this way, you block the entry of the current system, so there is no more leakage of electric current in conjunction with the fault. Thus, avoiding fire risk is one of the most severe damages an electrical problem can generate. Contact us at Kidwell Electric today!